The Heroic Minds Program

Built for youth to uncover the tools, values, and habits that lead to a high performing life. A place to build confidence, self-control, focus and motivation. A place that teaches how to lead, how to love, and how to be the hero of your life.

Fitness + Games + Life Skills

Kitchener (April)
14-16 Years

Tuesday & Thursday

Time: 4:30-5:20pm
Coach: Tom Schneider
Location: Bluechip Sports, 69 Agnes St, Kitchener

Kitchener (April)
11-13 Years

Tuesday & Thursday

Time: 3:30-4:20pm
Coach: Tom Schneider
Location: Bluechip Sports, 69 Agnes St, Kitchener

How it Works:

1. Sign-up for sessions with a coach in your area.
2. Show-up, have fun.
3. Earn your milestones and work towards your Heroic Minds tag.

Each session is 50-Minutes.

$320 (8-Sessions)
Requirements: Activewear & Good Attitude

Earn Your Tag

Earn badges for accomplishments & milestones. Accumulate badges while working towards a Heroic Minds metal tag. This tag serves as a reminder that you are a leader, a hero and the answer to your challenges.

  • 4 Minute 1km Run

    10-Minute Plank

    3-Minute Speech

    30 Day Bed Making

    30 Day Lunch Making

    Empower a Peer/Stranger/Friend

    Green Thumb (Grow plant from seed)

    Random Act of Kindness (x3)

    75% Average in School

    100 Push-Ups in 3 Minutes

    100 Chin-Ups in 5 Minutes

    Goals/Aim for Life Plan

We Aim to Enhance:

+ Social Health

Nurture relationships with friends, partners, teachers, coaches and family members.

Life-relevant skills: Making your own meals, making your bed, completing chores, etc.

+ Life Skills

+ Physical Health

Group workouts and fitness challenges.

Tools from philosophy and the social sciences to develop a powerful psychological foundation.

+ Leadership

Enhance emotional intelligence, communication skills, organizational skills, goal-setting skills, etc.

+ Mindset

Add participation in this program to your resume.

+ Resume



    Tom has been an educator in Waterloo Region for 31 years. He has over 30 years of experience coaching at all levels from House League to High School to Professional and across a variety of sports including basketball, football and cross country. His claim to fame in the performance space was creating the PEAT Program for athletes at Resurrection CSS.



    Sasha is passionate about working with athletes and has experience treating individuals ranging from professional to novice. She played varsity rugby at Western University while completing her undergraduate degree in Kinesiology. She has competed in a variety of other sports, such as hockey, soccer, track and field, tennis, golf and field hockey.



    Ben is an ex-OHL Captain, registered psychotherapist (Qualifying), and CVO of Heroic Minds. Ben spent his younger years chasing professional sports before switching to study resilience and high performance through the lens of heroism.

Become a Coach

Offer the Heroic Minds Program in your Community.

What Parents & Coaches Are Saying

You absolutely nailed this camp. Brayden was so excited to go everyday and he didn’t lose any of that momentum towards the end of the week. He loved the off ice portion just as much as the on ice. The off ice portion was so beneficial and he was excited to tell us about it everyday.

— Tara Gee (Parent of Athlete)

Our son Ben really loved your camp last week. We really appreciated your daily updates because we could discuss and build on those lessons at home (I wish you'd share some of those lessons with some coaches sometime). Based on our son's feedback our first impression of you, your camp is remarkable, we will continue to send him to anything you organize!

— Sloden Lackovic (Parent of Athlete)

Wanted to reach out and express our gratitude to you and your team for a great week of camp for Vaughan. We knew this was a special experience when he would give minute by minute detail on how every day went. That’s not the norm. Usually we get the “it was good” response and that’s that. So for that, we thank you!

— Joel Sneddon (Parent of Athlete)

You truly are filling the gap in the sports development model. On top of that, you are making it enjoyable. Ethan loved both the on-ice and off-ice parts of camp and came home to say how much the off-ice would improve him as person and athlete. Outstanding job. Thank you.

— Dave Domjan (Parent of Athlete)

To be honest this is all stuff I’ve never come across in my 25 years behind a bench but would have been incredibly helpful tools. Thank you for taking things to another level. Ryder has really enjoyed the first two days and is learning how to apply these teachings to his daily and pregame routines.

- Corey Hallman (Parent of Athlete)

Thanks for including Cam this week. I think we can say it was the best camp he's attended. Those topics are exactly what he needed for real life and hockey right now

— Mark Healy (Parent of Athlete)v